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Market Hunt is the best online trading platform developed by the Enrich Commodities.
1 Enrich launches one of the simplest and at the same time one of the most advanced charting tool.
2 It is available for both MCX and NSE segment.
3 One of the unique features is that auto save can be enabled if any modification is done.
4 It is available in Enrich Mobile Hunt Application and Enrich Web Hunt trading platform.
5 It is user friendly and light and dark themes are provided for clarity.
6 Historical data is available for all scripts in MCX and NSE segments.
7 It has advanced multiple technical indicators.
8 Chart library option is also provided
9 Candle types like Renco / Line Break/ Kagi are some of the new chart styles provided.
10 Check out the amazing features added and experience the new trading tool.
Advanced online trading platform in India