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Maru Cool
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India, Uttar Pradesh, Noida City, 201307
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Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 6:32:14 PM India Standard Time

Maru Cool is a leading provider of thermal packaging solutions, including insulated bag liners. Their liners are made with high-quality insulation materials and available in a variety of sizes and thicknesses.

Insulated inner lining for bags is a specialized layer of material added to a bag's interior to provide thermal insulation. This lining is designed to keep the bag contents at a constant temperature, whether hot or cold.

Insulated inner linings are commonly found in bags to transport food, drinks, medicines, or other temperature-sensitive items. These bags are often used for outdoor activities such as picnics, camping, or hiking. They are also used for the transportation of products with specific storage conditions.

An insulated inner lining is an excellent addition to any bag that needs to maintain a specific temperature for its contents. It can help ensure that the bag contents stay fresh and safe to consume, while also making the bag more versatile and convenient to use.

Contact Details:
Address: F458, F Block, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201307

2nd Address: F-661,662,G-681, RIICO,Industrial Area,Phase 4,Boranada,Jodhpur 342012

Phone Number: +91 9772286333

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