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Vikash Kumar
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India, Delhi, Delhi, 110060
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Friday, October 13, 2023 at 3:48:09 PM India Standard Time

In order to study the ethics paper in the UPSC following keen steps one can follow such as-

Read all the basic terminologies from the basic books or resources like lexicon which will help you to get acquainted with basic terms as well as definition of ethics.

Give a reading to previous year questions and get an idea like what kind of questions can be asked in the GS-paper 4.

Read 2nd ARC reports and try to make notes of all the recommendations as this will also give you an idea on the kind of answers you can portray in the ethics paper.

Prepare a list of keywords like objectivity, values, moral values etc with succinct definitions.

Also, one must be aware with some basic news articles as well as publications so that you will get an idea like how one can incorporate some real-life examples in the GS- paper 4 questions in the examination.

However, there is another important way to prepare for the ethics module. For example, I have attended classes at EDEN IAS, which are run under the supreme direction of Tirthankar Roychowdhary Sir. Under his direction, the entire course has been created to deal with teaching the students all the fundamental concepts and will then progress to an advanced level. As I've discovered, Sir used to teach us the fundamental ideas that enabled us to develop our own problem-solving strategies, which were quite helpful in tackling ethics case studies.

The fact that they work with current resources and study materials means that you can learn about this topic and become an expert in it, which will enable you to enhance and explore a variety of new fields. 


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