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Vikash Kumar
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India, Delhi, Delhi, 110060
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Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 2:53:27 PM India Standard Time

The greatest way to do well in the main exam is to adequately prepare for the GS 4 ethics paper. You must now be thinking about how one could effectively prepare for this subject. Let's examine some of the elements that one might include in their planning, including

Read every word on the syllabus carefully; otherwise, if you are careless, it could cause more damage.

It will be simpler for you to understand the notion if you practice and familiarize yourself with all of the definitions for all of the words listed in the UPSC ethics syllabus.

 Don't chase after various sources because most books on the market will claim to be the one-stop solution to ethics; instead, avoid falling for this trick and focus on finding the best one. I went through a similar experience when I couldn't locate the correct materials for my preparation; I suffered greatly before discovering the ideal option, and it was there that I learned about the most adorable platform serving the best ethics class for UPSC—EDEN IAS. You must be wondering how my preparedness was saved from their guidance and supervision. The reasons for this are as follows:

A clear and organized collection of resources was available that served as a one-stop shop for teaching everything from the very basics to more advanced versions of the themes covered in the ethics syllabus.

Assignments are given regularly, which will help one practice writing well-prepared answers to questions on ethics.

The lessons are very dynamic and interesting, and they teach the students to avoid rote memorizing but instead of it, they should start using their creativity to include realistic thinking in their answers.

Individualized peer-to-peer mentorship sessions are being planned as a component of the overall curriculum, during which the specialists will clear up any questions.

As a result, I adopted the strategy and am relieved that all of my worries and concerns regarding this issue are now gone. In addition, whenever I thought that I lacked something, I turned to Mr. Tirthankar Roychwdhary sir, the absolute greatest mentor and best teacher of ethics. With his thorough and round-the-clock guidance, Sir was always there to help me feel at ease in this subject. 


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