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Elena George
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United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Dubai, 00000
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Monday, June 12, 2023 at 4:44:05 PM India Standard Time

Dubai invites you to the foremost prestigious “Psychology Conference” on December 11–12, 2023! We are energised to have you connect with us under the theme of “PsycheQuest: Embarking on a Voyage through Psychology”. Over the next few days, we are going to delve deep into the most recent inquiries about and experiences with the components that shape our considerations, feelings, and activities. Our line-up of esteemed speakers and specialists will share their mastery on a wide range of points, from the natural and social variables that impact conduct to the effects of culture and environment on mental health. We trust that this conference will be a valuable and enhancing encounter for all participants, and you'll leave with new information and perspectives on the fascinating field of psychology 2023.

Thank you for joining us!